Why Is Skincare Important?

At Wǒ, our aim is to share our knowledge with you on all things skincare. No more complex concepts and wishy-washy solutions, simplicity is key.

Skincare is important because everyone is unique and therefore it is necessary to cater to your individual needs. Build in healthy habits early on so that skincare is part of your every day routine. Strengthening and conditioning the skin at any age will prepare you and reduce the onset of common skin concerns whilst maintaining that healthy glow throughout life. 

Why Do I Need Skincare? 

Caring for your skin is caring for your health. Skin is one of the biggest organs and so looking after it should be a priority to optimise your skin's condition. It works hard to protect our bodies and so we owe it to ourselves to keep it well nourished. 

When you look good you feel good. We want to inspire self-confidence; it can come in so many different forms and your skin is a good place to start. You wear it everyday and therefore it makes such a big impact on the way you feel about yourself. So, chin up ladies! OWN YOUR SKIN. 

To combat and respond to the changes in your environment and lifestyle throughout your life journey, it's no doubt you'll find yourself switching up as time goes on.  Your skin needs will reflect this and therefore so will your skincare routine.  And remember, prevention and preparation is easier than fixing an issue that has already arisen. 

Best Skincare Routine 

This is where Wǒ can work its magic. The best skincare routine is one that provides and tailored to you solution. Using our Skin Diagnostic will reassure you that your solution is adapted to your ever-changing needs. It's ready built for you so you don't have to figure it out yourself (Google can be confusing!). 

Avoid overloading the skin unnecessarily, don't get wrapped up in that complex 10 step routine. Seek result driven products that are multi-functional, Wǒ wants what's best for you, we only recommend exactly what you need with our 2 step regime for an effective skincare routine that works.

Step 1: A Daily Base  for maintaining everyday skin health that replaces your makeup remover, cleanser and moisturiser

Step 2: A Power TonIQ  for targeted relief to specific concerns (only if and when needed!)

The best skincare routine involves looking after your skin inside and out. It's not just about the products you use but also your lifestyle, diet and much more. Adopt a holistic lifestyle and good healthy routine which can multiply the positive impact to your overall wellbeing. Plenty of useful tips in Our Journal articles, do explore and take a read! 

Don't like to commit? Try 5 of our samples for just £6.95 including FREE delivery and a money off voucher towards your next order, test it and fall in love! Discover your best skincare routine now.

Author: Lily Scales

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